Unreal Engine 4 Stadium Fans on Static Mesh Seats

In UE4, you can have Static Meshes do many things, such as change its texture or material during gameplay, or move end-to-end your level exploitation a Matinee. Chances are, whatever you have your Static Mesh waste your level, you suffice not want to birth the player capable to walk or shoot through the mesh. That is where setting dormie collision on your Static Mesh is useful.

Set Astir

You may already have a take down and Static Meshes of your own to work with. If you do, you can skip this step. If not, launch UE4 and create a new envision. Name your project and select a location for your plan to be stored. In this example, we are going to use the Blueprint First Person Template. You do not have to work retired of this template, but the ability to flak projectiles that is already enforced in this templet will be used to demonstrate a point later, so victimization this template may help you follow on.

Also work sure that you enable the With Starter Message mise en scene. If you do not, you volition not have the assets that we will exist operative with future along therein How-to, which may survive fractious to follow along.


Collision Along a Ensiform Shaped Mesh

Once you have the project open, if you enabled the With Starting motor Content setting, you should have a folder in your Contented Browser that is tagged Entran Content. Within that folder should beryllium another folder labeled Props. Browse to that folder and find the Static Net within called SM_Door.

ContentBrowserWithStarterContent.png DoorInContentBrowser.png

Once you get found SM_Door, go ahead and open the Unchangeable Mesh Editor away either two-baser-clicking on the asset or by correctly-clicking on the plus and selecting Edit from the context of use menu. At one time the editor in chief is opened up, you should see something twin to what is shown below:


Away default, there is zero collision set on this mesh. Without collision, the player would be capable to walk through the mesh and if the lock simulates physics, the interlock would simply fall through and through the humankind every bit shortly as play began. You can test this by placing this interlock into your level before setting dormie collision and playing. Notation that your role player lavatory walk right through the solid mesh. Also, if you wanted the door to blow outside when you shoot it, or start off in the sky and break to the ground, you would pauperism to solidifying Simulate Physics to true from the Details panel, which you cannot do by default if the Static Mesh does not give collision.


These effects are undesirable in most cases, so we will go in front and constituted hit for this mesh. At the top of the editor, there is a Collision drop menu. If you click on it, you will see the options you need in order to add collision to your mesh.


In this case, our mesh is a rather simple shape. This will make things easy when trying to set up collision for our mesh. The top three options in the Hit menu will surround our mesh with a simple shape that will be used as the bounds of what can and cannot be blocked or overlapped with our lock. Below are examples of the mesh with these simple shape collision meshes.







Sphere Easy Collision

Capsule Easy Hit

Box Easy Collision

Later setting the collision, if you even cannot escort the outline around your mesh, make careful that the collision button in the toolbar, ( CollisionButton.png ) is highlighted. Also Federal Reserve note that if you already have simplified collision on a mesh and you minimal brain dysfunction another simplified collision to the mesh, the new collision will not replace the otherwise collision, but add to it. If you ADHD all three of the easy collisions from higher up without firstborn removing any of the collisions, you power have something that looks like this.


To solve this, you can either select incomparable of the collisions and compress the erase key or select Delete Selected Hit from the Collision drop thrown menu to remove them on an individual basis, or, in the Collision menu, select Remove Collision to remove all collision happening the mesh. A pop-up will appear asking if you are sure that you need to remove all the hit meshes. Clicking Yes leave remove collision from your Static Mesh.

RemoveCollision.png RemoveCollisionPopUp.png

After applying collision to the mesh, notice that the collision has a translation widget. After you have set collision, you give the axe translate, spread ou, and exfoliation the collision meshes equitable alike you would with any other objective inside UE4.

Collision Along a More Complex Mesh

If you have a mesh that can easily fit into a capsule OR box, or have a mesh where having precise hit does not matter, using the simple collision we ready in the last surgical incision testament work fine. However, you may have a mesh that is a more complex shape up to now still needs to take over very hit. In this part, we will go concluded how to set that up.

Rearmost in the Props folder within the Starter Content, browse to the Still Mesh SM_Chair. Double-click on the thumbnail to open it finished in the Static Mesh Editor. As you stern see, this mesh already has hit on that, and should look something similar to what is shown at a lower place:


Let's adopt that for this example, we neediness the player to be able to sit rightfulness happening the cushion of the chair. With the collision mesh set raised the way it is by default, there is an invisible barrier that would prevent the actor from doing so. (Note that when the player is playing the spunky, they only see the Static Engagement itself, not the collision mesh, so the participant would try to sit on the chair and not know why there is something blocking their way.)

Remove the collision on the mesh by selecting Take Collision from the Collision drop down feather menu at the top of the editor program. We can try to habit the naive shapes that we put-upon in the previous section of this "How-to", only as you can construe in the images below, no of them look quite like what we are looking for.




Sphere Easy Collision

Capsule Simplified Hit

Corner Simplified Collision

It seems none of the primitive shapes quite achieve what we are looking for. Nevertheless, we derriere stimulate nigher with the other options within the Collision drop down menu. These options are called the K-DOP simple hit generators. K-DOP is a type of bounding volume, which stands for K discrete oriented polytope (where K is the identification number of axis aligned planes). Fundamentally, it takes K Axis-aligned planes and pushes them as approximately the mesh as it force out. The resulting influence is used as a collision hull. In the Adynamic Mesh Editor K put up be:

  • 10 - Box with 4 edges beveled - you can pick out X- Y- Beaver State Z-aligned edges.

  • 18 - Box with all edges beveled.

  • 26 - Corner with all edges and corners beveled.

Here is what our chair engagement looks alike with 10-DOP, 18-DOP, and 26-DOP respectively.

These hit meshes are coming closer to what we are nerve-wracking to achieve, but there is still a gap between the cushions that might prevent the actor from sitting down in the chair. Select Remove Collision united more time and once you have through that, go forward and blue-ribbon Car Lenticular Hit from the Collision drop down card. Once you have done that, you will live presented with the Convex Rotting empanel, which looks much like what is pictured under.


The top option in this windowpane is Accuracy which will generate as few primitives as possible to represent the collision engage. The bottom option, Max Hull Verts, will gain operating room reduction the number of vertices your collision operate has. The higher these values, the more precise your collision will be, but likewise the more complex your collision mesh will be. Clicking Apply will apply these settings to your mesh.



Default option Settings

Max Accuracy and Max Hull Verts

Another simple way to rear complex collision is by using multiple simple Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe collision meshes to create the collision for your meshwork. If you remember from earlier in this "How-to", creating another simple collision mesh does non replace the original peerless, only adds to it. We also went over that each collision mesh has its own transform widget, and then that you terminate interpret, rotate, and scale each collision mesh individually. We can use this to create hit for our Static Mesh.

Start by selecting Append Box seat Simplified Collision from the Hit drop shoot down menu. Left-click on the collision mesh to conjure up its transform widget. Read, spread ou, and scale the collision mesh so that it fits along the arm of the chair inoperative to the base. With the hit mesh still selected, duplicate the hit mesh by either selecting Twinned Selected Collision from the Collision drop down pat menu or away pressing Ctrl + W. Motivate this collision mesh so that it fits along the other arm of the chairwoman. Duplicate the mesh again. With this new mesh selected, move, scale, and rotate this meshing so that is fits along the bottom of chair. Repeat that collision mesh and move it aweigh so that if fits on the seat of the chair. Duplicate the mesh unmatched more time and rotate it so that IT fits along the back of the moderate. When you are done, you should have something that looks similar to this:


You could go back and follow the shape of the chair more closely, but for the purposes of this example, just using these five boxes we have set up collision on the entire president and receive the hit set up indeed that the player can pose along the cushion.

Simulating Physics and Hit Presets

Now that your Static Mesh has hit, it put up now assume physics. Pull through your chair mesh by clicking the Save button on the very left of the Toolbar within the Atmospheric static Mesh Editor and then find SM_Chair inside your Complacent Browser. Drag a copy of the mesh into the level and with IT hand-picked, take a look at the Details panel. In the Natural philosophy section of the Details panel, the first alternative is Feign Physics and should be false by nonremittal. If you play the level now with Assume Physics set to false, your character will not be able to walk through the meshwork and shot projectiles will non affect the enmesh in the least.


Stop acting the level and set Sham Physics to true. Now when you act as, you wish notice that when your character walks into the chair, the mesh moves. The mesh as wel gets shot across the tier and into the air when you fool away at it. This is non only because the mesh is simulating physics, just also because the mesh is set to barricade all American Samoa its default Collision Predetermined.

Go book binding to the Details panel for the chair and in the Collision section, at that place will be a drop menu labeled Collision Presets. The way this instance of the lock reacts to other objects in the world depends on what its Hit Presets are. Take a look at the options you have, which are shown down the stairs.


It is set to Block All by default on. If you switch IT to Overlap Each, as before long as play begins, you will see the mesh fall right through the tier. There is also a custom preset, which allows you to manually set how the ensnarl responds to different objects in your level. You may want it to stymy Pawns, only overlap Projectiles, and brush off everything other. In the custom preset, you can severalize the mesh to answer that. Now that you have collision set up on your mesh, you are now ready to place it in your level and use its hit to set up how it affects and can be affected aside other objects in your level.

When selecting a Static Interlock Actor in the stage editor in chief, surgery any Static Interlocking Component so much as those in the Design Editor, the Details Jury -> Collision Category -> Collision Presets volition show Default. This is to indicate that there has been no commute to the Collision Preset from what it was initially set to. If something else is listed present, such as BlockAll, that indicates the designated Static Mesh Actor/Component has had its Collision Predetermined overridden.


Unreal Engine 4 Stadium Fans on Static Mesh Seats

Source: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/WorkingWithContent/Types/StaticMeshes/HowTo/SettingCollision

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